Catching Up ~ finding a way through the pandemic

over the past couple of months I have expanded my market to not only painting but also to Include, metal prints, wearable art, nature videos, educational series and photography. Catch up with
over the past couple of months I have expanded my market to not only painting but also to Include, metal prints, wearable art, nature videos, educational series and photography. Catch up with

over the past couple of months I have expanded my market to not only painting but also to Include, metal prints, wearable art, nature videos, educational series and photography. Catch up with

August-October has been a very busy month and along the worries of everyone else I have been brainstorming on how to manage to make it through through the next 2-5 years.  It was clear this summer that markets are in flux and changes are happening in everyone’s lives and artists are no different.  I don’t think we will be thriving but the objective is to make it through this and come out at the other end prepared for the future economy.  Obviously having a website for 20 years has been a real blessing and I have taken all that I have learned and continue to learn to become even better at it as well as expand and diversify my markets. So I have expanded my markets to not only painting but markets where my art can be utilized for various things.  This winter those markets shall be flushed out one by one and hopefully 2021 will be a better year that 2020 has been in all sorts of ways. Over the past 3 months I have developed:

1. the Art Teaches that Series for Kids

2. I have expanded my Photography Portfolio. to include Metal prints, puzzles, cards and a host of other items for art and photography in Gifts from Maine.

3. I am working with a company on developing a wearable art

4. I am re-starting my White Horses of the Sea Series

5. Expanding into Nature videos see Big Screen Video Page at

Links are some of the highlights which will take you on a journey through my portfolios.  If you have any questions feel free to ask. Contact

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